The First

SO here it is, the first post. I don't know about you, but when I write a first blog post I feel the need to introduce it and the website and give some more info on what the goals are. So, here we go. 

Who? Hi I'm Jessica Edler. (surprise I know considering the url right.) I am a writer, a photographer and simply put, a creative at heart. My blogs will sound very similar to the way I speak to anyone and may be sassy from time to time as well as witty or even borderline funny. My dry sarcasm is for mostly my entertainment and I am happy to provide those with a similar funny bone to join in on the smiles.

What? This is a blog. You'll get writing advice and short story leads and character inspiration among other things like book updates and random thoughts. I am coming up with a series of challenges for you as well so come back often!

Why? I love the why question. Its because as creatives, we are so jumbled and overwhlemed with thoughts so often, that we "space out" or can't keep it straight so we need to be distracted in order to refocus. I aim to inspire and challenge you the reader and myself the writer to be better. Better than yesterday and better than today. 

When? right friggin' now (see there is that sass i told you about.) As you are reading this intro, I am beginning the set up of a weekly character inspiration and writing challenges to participate in.

How? Well, my process is write it on paper first because I am old school, then I will type it up editing as I go and hoping I still don't mess it up, and hitting publish. Of course the SEO and back end stuff needs to be done too, but that's boring, you don't want to know about that. Or do you? hmmmm. 

So there it is a brief intro to what this specific blog will hold. Basically a little of everything. Got an idea send it my way? I don't want this to be the typical  Author website that I saw time and again as I perused  the pages of Authors, famous and non. Granted my favorite was definitely J.K Rowlings even though I thought the pages should read left to right like a book and they went in reverse. Her site was awesome. Other than that, the majority looked like the same web form filled out in slightly different colors or pictures and were crowded. Hopefully You will enjoy your time here and not feel over crowded! Have a comment? Leave it below, I'll be looking forward to hearing from new readers and writers! 

Always with Love

Jessica Edler