Throughout life, at least once, if not multiple times, you have been asked to describe yourself with 3 words. You can recite those 3 words in your sleep at this point I am sure. (Mine are fierce, loyal, bold for the record.) 

Today I want you to think about 3 objects that describe you. 3 objects that fit your personality that if you told someone, it would just click and make sense to them. You might even get a "those are most definitely you" or something along those lines.  After you pick your 3 objects, write them down and tell why. This is a simple exercise to get your brain jump started. 

My 3 Objects. and Why. 

Combat Boots: for me they symbolize strength, toughness, getting things done and kicking ass. Thats me on a good day. They are symbolic of getting through hard times and conquering fears. They represent that hard side of me, the tough girl side or as some would say, the masculine side.  

Red Lipstick: Red lipstick is a bold, sexy confident item. It is loud and in your face, a BOLD choice to wear it and it is full of passion. Its sensual and fun, it screams of crazy choices and demands attention when worn. It paints a picture of confidence, and that is something that is important to me. The lipstick represents my feminine side, my delicate nature.

A Pencil: This was the hardest item for me to come up with. My third item kept coming up blank, and blank isn't an item unless it is a sheet of paper or a blank wall. Neither of those fit. A pencil (not a pen, crayon or marker,) however, that is me. A pencil is words, and the ability to write, to create. Its the ability to change things, (and as I am controlling and change things constantly because of my indecisiveness,) this makes sense. you can change what you have written and at the same time, a pencil is fragile. What, fragile? They break easy, and need extra attention to keep working. I'd say this item is the most like me comparatively. 

Did you find my items interesting, or the reasons I picked them. Maybe you said, those are stupid, my items are better. I want to hear what your items are so share in  the comments below. Challenge your friends to this and delve into the why. Because we all know the "why" is the most important thing. The why is personal and is different for most everyone. 

Part Two can be Found here!