So with a free thinking format last time, I am going to try a more formatted version of it this week and let me know which you prefer-yes some will be left blank for that is for you to fill out.

Your Challenge: Take this semi boring character and give them an action packed story line while helping him to see his sister as she truly is, and help him discover himself along the way. twists and turns welcome using friends. Who lives and dies is up to you. Maybe he dies saving his sister and she becomes the main character, or maybe she turns out to be the one saving him in the end. Maybe his friends are the bad guys...the story is yours, now take this character and write it out! 

Name: Adam
Age: 18
Nationality: Cuban
Residence: New York
Occupation: Pizza Delivery guy
Family: Has a Sister (you pick her name) who gets into a lot of trouble. He is always saving her.
Significant Others (describe relationship): None. He is very introverted and nervous around new people.
Relationships with other key characters (good, bad, non existent): Best friends Rachel and Tom been friends since grade school, chinese food each week on a set day. (you pick)

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 187
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Color: Olive
birthmarks/deformities current: Interestingly shaped mole on upper right shoulder blade
birthmarks/deformities future: up to you
How does he/she dress? jeans and tee shirt type. 
Good Habits: Good heart, loves sister and best friends unconditionally and protects them as best he can from teh surrounding ghetto they live in. Also gives his time to helping the homeless shelters around.
Bad Habits: Smokes cigarettes and loves unconditionally. 
Strengths: because of his thinner build he is fast, and he is super smart. 
Weaknesses: the love from friends and family. He also isn't the strongest.
Furthest point of Education: Graduated high school early because of his borderline Genius, but failed to go anywhere after due to his protective nature of his. It has gotten him into many sticky situations protecting his little sister, and has made him a few local enemies. 
Intelligence Level: above average. 
Mental health: bordering depressed, though he doesn't know why. 
Short-term goals: Save enough to move out of the ghetto with his sister.
Long-term goals: Deep down-though he doesn't recognize it,  he is missing the feeling of being loved. He doesn't realize how troubled exactly his sister is and doesn't recognize love as it is meant to be. 
Confidence level and how it impacts character: Low. He can look people in the eyes and hold a conversation, but when he looks at himself in the mirror he can't stand the sight-though nothing is actually wrong. 
Is the character ruled by emotion or logic? Mostly emotion based, his logic tends to leave him when his sister is involved. 
Religious Beliefs and how they impact your character: He is more into the science of things rather than religion. 

Additional Notes on This Character: His love for his sister is his greatest weakness and also his greatest strength. When their parents died when he was 16, he became legal guardian to said sister who was but 2 years younger. The parental situation sent her lashing out at everyone and getting mixed in with the wrong crowds. Adam only sees what he wants to see about his sister and she will use this to her advantage-which will ultimately put them both in grave danger.