Its been a while right? Life gets crazy and the time seemingly gets lost on occasion. Sorry about that folks. Lets get back into our weekly  writing-especially since its NaNoWritMo (basically a challenge that happens every November, to write a novel in a month.) I have mine started and look forward to finishing the first of my series (Mother) by the end of the month. That being said, this is about the next 15 minutes and free writing. Bare with me, I am dragging my feet today. Open theme, just write. 

15 minutes starts now. 

Clara rolled the windows down in her "mom-mobile" and just drove. The paint was starting to fade in certain areas and the check engine light was on, but none of that mattered today. Today she would run away. Away from the life she knew as normal in search of finding herself. The car seats of her fallen angels still in the back waiting to be filled with laughter and crumbs. Tears welled in her eyes as she thought of all she lost last year. Her cheating husband had taken the kids to the movies with his "friend" and her family for a playdate. He had indulged in too much wine during the movie. On the way home, he seemingly swerved to avoid something that was never found and drove into the wall of a bridge. It was a car that drove off into the night that had hit them after sending them over the edge. 

Wiping tears from her face, she pulled behind the gas station to the dumpsters and got out. It was time to start new and leave her small town that was nothing but a sad reminder of the perfect life she thought she had. Lies. Besides her children, everything she thought she knew was lies or based on them. Clara pulled the carseats and left them on the side of the dumpster, not having the heart to just throw them int he trash. She had already burned everything she had of his or that he gave her that wasn't worth anything and sold the rest. Such willing buyers on ebay not caring about the story or how much things originally cost, just looking for a good deal. She stared at the carseats and couldn't part with them. Shoving them back in their rightful spot in the car, she pulled a necklace her daughter used to wear from the seat and stuck it in her pocket. pink and blue gems in a repeating pattern. A cheap nothing of a bracelet, but it has been Shannon’s favorite. 

Waiting until her hands stopped shaking, Clara began driving again, full tank of gas, windows all down and music up. Distraction. She let the wind play with her hair and whip it all around her. She sang loud and without care and soon found herself at the small town’s border. Could she do this? Could she really leave everything behind? Everything else she loved was gone, so why not? She hesitated still, part of her heart would be left behind, a void would taking its place. She left the car seats at the "Goodbye! You are now leaving Victory" sign, with shaky hands and a trembling lip. 

Another deep, steadying breath, and she released the break to begin again. She would do start over. She had to. Life would start again, the memories of her children would sing forever in her heart and always stay with her but, she wouldn't be able to move forward while clinging to the past.