Another week, another 15 minutes to write about something, Lets go with a love theme this week. Take it to romance, turn it dark, make it NSFW if you want, but just write it out. Remember, these are momentary "first drafts" that are quite rough around the edges, but are meant to get those juices flowing folks. Don't be afraid to share with others-I want to read what you write! So in the love theme....I will begin...NOW! 

His Hazel eyes bore into my soul momentarily as the light of headlights passing by lit up his face. Briefly I could see his chiseled jaw and angular face as our eyes met. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I held his stare. He smiled at me as we passed, the crows feet being accentuated ever so slightly and I inhaled his musky cologne. Closing my eyes and exhaling I cheered myself on for maintaining eye contact and not looking down, I kept on my way, not daring to chance a look behind me in the off chance he did the same. Confidence wasn't my strong suit, but I was working on it. 

Still caught in the most significant moment of my year I tripped and landed hard on my knees. Of course on the way down I would let out a yell and make sure everyone's eyes within a 5 mile radius were on me. Okay, so it wasn't everyone, there was literally 5 people within visual range, and 3 of them didn't even look in my direction once, but for someone who hates the lime light, it was as if I was standing in front of a million people and they were all laughing at me. 

My face flushed a vibrant red, I collected myself shakily off the ground and began picking up my purse and notebook. Looking around for my favorite pen I saw it next to a pair of Nikes that were attached to strong looking legs and basketball shorts and a lean hard body and...oh sweet baby Jesus that guy! I stumbled my words and he picked up my pen and handed it to me then extended his hand to help me up. Yes, I was still on the ground staring up at him like a lost dog with hope he'd take me home. My tongue may have even been hanging out of my mouth, I couldn't remember to close it. This man made my heart speed unlike anyone else. Reminding myself to breath I manged to say thank you and smile, of course not while being able to look him in the eyes again. 

"You are welcome," he said, his accent unfamiliar to me and naturally my eyes shot up to meet his. Damnit, I couldn't help myself. Instantly I felt small. He was so tall and statuesque, Really quite intimidating. I was just a 5'6 average woman with a typical small ass and hardly any curves, I couldn't imagine someone like him could be interested in me, yet he was still there staring at me as I conversed in my head about what I was going to do. Run away like I was scared, or walk away trying to keep my composure? Walk away, simply turn and walk. I thought to myself. Of course, I thought I thought to myself, instead I found myself enlightened by his  deep laugh and instantly I knew I had spoken my thoughts aloud. Wide eyed, and more embarassed than I have ever been, I turned and half ran, away. 

"Miss!" he called after me, and his long legs carried him to my side within a few seconds. "I just want to make sure you are alright. Are you?" His stare was almost paralyzing and I managed a 'ya-yes' out like a champ and thanked him again for getting my pen. This time I didn't run away, I mumbled a see you around and went to walk away, but his hand on my arm prevented me from going anywhere. "Can I get you a cup of late night coffee?"  

15 minutes is up. My mind is going in so many directions with this right he a vampire/werewolf/fantasy creature who is going to murder her/kidnap/simply walk home? Maybe they are about to fall in love in the coffee shop. Maybe she says no and they separate only for their paths to cross again at another time after she can't stop thinking about him. Maybe the next section goes into his point of view and how he sees her and his thoughts?  (thats the direction I think I would take this.) 

That is the fun of writing-ANYTHING can happen. You hold the reins. So now, go on...go write something! 

With Love
