Character Inspiration Weekly: one

Name: Your Choice     Age: 24     Sex: Female or Male     Location: college town/small city

Character Brief:

She lives with 2 roommates in an upbeat college town. When she was younger she was a vibrant outgoing girl, Everyone wanted to be around her. Now as she finds herself in the mid 20 range with nothing but the monotony of her everyday life to keep her company she finds herself to be "lost in the shuffle" with no clue as to what she wants from life. Being around people is overwhelming and maintaining the upbeat and charismatic attitude is draining her more and more to the point just the thought of leaving her house makes her cringe. She would rather be alone.

The constant grey clouds dissipate one day when a stranger falls into her life and helps her discover and control the empath she never realized she was. As she develops said power and the abilities that come along with it, she ends up on the radar of some very bad, very power hungry people who want her rare ability to be at their disposal. They will stop at nothing to make her theirs, even if it means taking all that is good in her life and slowly destroying her from the inside out. She will find her self in a foreign place, surrounded by other women with emotions and powers that aren't controlled and threaten to destroy all the control she has built up. She will be forced to make a choice to save her life-and theirs. 

Your Assignment:

Develop the character further. Name her, give her a personality that makes sense to you. For this one, you may also make the main character male instead of female if you prefer. (My main characters will almost always be female, it simply makes sense for me.) Take the story as far as you want, and push yourself for details. 

What does her apartment live, what is her relationship like with roomates? Who is the new person in her life? male or female? lover or friend or enemy? What are her abilities as an empath? lineage? How is she going to overcome the specific obstacles set for you in the Character brief? what other obstacles are you going to put in her way? Who are the bad guys, what are their goals, why do they want her so bad? 


As this is the first Character Inspiration, I am sure the format will change with time but I hope you find enjoyment and a bit of inspiration among these posts. Please feel free to share your version in the comments below or email them to me -I truly would love to read what you dream up! There is no right or wrong, just write! 

Always with Love

Jessica Edler