This weeks 15 minute challenge will be to create a an intro to a story based around a character being kidnapped. Suggestions you ask? Think about it from the person being kidnapped, point of view, and their actions that lead up to it, what they are thinking, feeling, acting? Are they going to just crumble and cry or are they a fighter? Don't like that perspective, think about it from the kidnappers point of view. Is it an obsession, is it because they are hungry and belong to a different world, what happens if the person fights back or cries? How about the point of view from the people in the person who is takens, life? Delve a bit into each character and see what one fits the scene you have created in your mind and "let her rip!" You have 15 mins starting now, GO!

Whimpering by my bedside and a cold wet nose on my hand woke me in the early morning hours I wish I never got to see. I glanced at my phone, 3:52 am thank you dog for this early morning. I pat him on the head and let the little hot-dog lab know I was coming. His black tail wagging away as he stared at me patiently. Probably impatiently really. Stumbling out of our bedroom in the dark I didn't bother turning on lights and narrowly avoided the lego brick in the middle of the floor. Opening the back door the humid air hit my face and I inhaled the air wishing it would be fall already. The dog rushed past and into the side yard. I heard him growl a bit and knew the neighborhood psycho cat must be walking the fence line again. Stupid thing is always teasing the dog. 

Shutting the door I went and set up the coffee so when I re awoke for work, it would be ready. I peed and collapsed into bed leaving the dog outside again. He should know better than to wake me in the middle of the night. I forget to let him back in 9 out of 10 times until 6 when I wake for the day. My eyes closed and sleep won out again. 

4:30am whimpering woke me. Damn my light sleeping problem! Today was going to be a zombie sort of day where I can keep nothing in my brain for more than a minute and all I can really think of is when I can go to bed. I look at my husband next to me. His sandy brown hair disheveled and his mouth slightly open. At least he isn't snoring today. I kiss his cheek and whisper I love you in his ear. He mumbles something along the lines of I love you too and reaches an arm over to me. I kiss his hand and inform his sleepiness that I will be right back, gotta let the beast in. Whimpering catches my ear again and I climb out of bed once again, my dark hair in all sorts of tatters. Plucking my panties out of the lovely crevice of my ass cheeks, and tugging my tee shirt down a bit in case the kids wake early, I felt the joys of being a woman in my lower abdomen, am I ovulating or is my friend arriving? I stopped to peak in each of my little loves rooms and whisper I love you too them, my daughter now 8 opened sleepy eyes and smiled before rolling back over and falling asleep again. My heart fills with joy as I make my way to the back of the house.  

Mindless thoughts as I reach the back door. Still so black out, I open the door, and let my little beast of a dog in."Come on buddy." I tug the back door to close it but it doesn't move. "ugh, what the fuck now?" I look down at where its stuck and see a shoe in the crevice. The dog must have dropped one of the shoes by the door while waiting for my forgetful self, so typical. Reaching down, I grab the shoe out of it wedge and turn to go inside.

That is the moment that changes everything in my life forever. That is the moment that would shatter my family indefinitely. I would never be the same, nor would they. 

A strong cold hand gripped my wrist, and before I could let out a scream another pressed hard around my mouth. Hot breath caressed my ear as words I didn't understand seeped into my skull as I tried to punch scream and kick my way out of the iron grip of the man who held me. Suddenly, my body somehow, relaxed in his arms though my mind kept running wild. His words washed over me and held me captive. His hand no longer covered my mouth but I was unable to speak, to move. Fear telling me to run or to fight, to anything, but I couldn't. Then, more words, warmth struck my chest and his body was against mine. Wind rushed through my hair and as we lifted off the ground, I watched as my dog sat at the backdoor growling. Tears fell from my eyes as I flew paralyzed in a strangers arms and everything disappeared into the darkness. 

Well that was 30 mins of writing this morning but if you get into it folks, don't stop because the timer went off, keep writing until you get to a spot that makes sense for you, or simply-Don't stop. Write and write until you simply can't. Don't know what to write, don't like the theme? Pick on of the other Short Story Sundays to try out. 

Don't forget to let me know what you thought of this little writing session below, or even continue the story and share it with me, I love to read what you write! 

Thanks for stopping by once again! 

With love
